About CRS

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Your dedicated farmhand.

We aim to deliver best-in-class service to everyone we serve, meet customer demand for a breadth of risk solutions and attract and retain expert staff in all areas of our business.


We provide risk management solutions to enable the success and longevity of the American Farmer.


To become the most valued partner in crop insurance while strategically building franchise value for the shareholders.

Guiding Principles

  • Pursue profit ahead of premium and fair compensation for assumed risk.
  • Actively manage our portfolio and business mix to maximize value.
  • Focus on building long-term partnerships with agents and insureds.

Value Proposition

  • Ability to meet customer demand for a breadth of risk solutions across the varied crop landscape.
  • Ability to attract and retain talent with expert staff in all areas.
  • Best-in-class service across all geographies and crops we serve.

Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)
Crop Risk Services – MPCI Premiums
PO Box 771130 St. Louis, MO 63177-2130

Private Product Insurance Payments:
Crop Risk Services – Hail Premiums
PO BOX 771369 St. Louis, MO 63177-2369


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For any questions about policies, claims and more, please contact us anytime and we’ll do our best to get your questions answered.

Contact Us